Reflect on Country Needs and Priorities

The NDC 3.0 Navigator aims to help identify the most relevant and impactful ‘Opportunities’ for countries to enhance ambition and accelerate implementation in the next NDCs (NDCs 3.0).

Within each ‘Route’, Opportunities are presented for countries to prioritize based on their relevance to enhancing ambition and/or the supporting processes that will make the biggest difference in accelerating implementation.

All countries will have a different ‘path’ to their NDC 3.0. A critical starting point of the NDCs 3.0 revision process will be to reflect on the ambition levels of a country’s current NDC, the progress made to date in implementing the current NDC and the wider policy and action landscape.

Successive NDCs are reflecting country specific pathways towards greater ambition and implementation

Country Specific Pathways

Guiding Questions to Get Started

The guiding questions below are designed to prompt reflection and help identify the Routes of the NDC 3.0 Navigator that are most relevant to different countries, based on their differentiated needs. The questions are structured into three sections that provide recommendations for Routes to explore:

  • Looking Back
  • Present Circumstances
  • Future Direction

Review the questions within each section below and select the options that best represent national circumstances. The recommended Routes to explore will appear at the end.

Each Route contains additional prompt questions to help explore needs more deeply and navigate to specific Opportunities.

Alternatively, Explore all Routes and Opportunities directly, or Learn About the NDC 3.0 Navigator.


You may provide more than one answer unless otherwise indicated.

1. Looking Back

What were some of the most significant gaps and challenges in the last NDC?
In assessing the progress made on the last NDC, were any of the following significant barriers to targets and implementing actions?

2. Present Circumstances

Are emissions in any sectors particularly high, or growing?
Are climate hazards and risks currently experienced, or expected to be in the future?
Are any populations negatively impacted (or expected to be) by low carbon transitions, climate resilience efforts, or alignment of finance flows?
Are potential negative impacts on populations yet to be identified/quantified?
Have any new or updated plans and strategies, regulations or legislation been developed since the last NDC that should be taken into account? For example, NAPs, LT-LEDs, NBSAPs, subnational plans, investment plans? ¹

3. Future Direction

Are there any key technical/content areas for raising ambition that are intended to be prioritized in the NDC 3.0?
Are there any key processes to support implementability that are intended to be prioritized in the NDC 3.0?